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Glass heat-resistant cold water kettle large capacity thickened tea kettle (NO:201724460)- Wholesale at low prices in Moscow

OrderGlass heat-resistant cold water kettle large capacity thickened tea kettle (NO:201724460) wholesale24 pcs. 12733.44₽ in Moscow. Fast delivery from China throughout Russia. Free consultation. Low prices! Huge selection directly from the factories-manufacturers!
530.56 RUB

Glass heat-resistant cold water kettle large capacity thickened tea kettle 【2000ML,one colour only,glass【Packaging without Words】

Glass heat-resistant cold water kettle large capacity thickened brewing teapot monochrome clear [no text packing, glass, Boxed, Utensils, Glasses and cups, Teapot, baitebolizhipin, 13×9×23.5cm, 201724460

  • 1 Boxed

    530,56 ₽

  • 1 Carton

    12 733,44 ₽

The price includes value-added tax, duties and freight from the manufacturer in China to the supplier's warehouse.
Glass heat-resistant cold water kettle large capacity thickened tea kettle 【1200ML,one colour only,glass【Packaging without Words】_201724459Glass heat-resistant cold water kettle large capacity thickened tea kettle 【2000ML,one colour only,glass【Packaging without Words】_201724460
Article No. 201724460
MOQ 1 Carton
24 Boxed / Carton
Logistics time (production time 15 days, shipping time 60 days)

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  • Product Description
Basic Information
  • Article No.201724460
  • Main materialglass
  • Loading volume24
  • Packing formone colour only
  • Size and Packaging
  • product size(cm)13.00 × 9.00 × 23.50
  • Outer box size(cm)46.00 × 56.00 × 64.00
  • Package size(cm)- × - × -
  • Carton volume(m³)0.165
  • PackagingWhite box
  • Package languagePackaging without Words
  • G/N(Kg)- / -
  • PackageBoxed
  • Age label-
  • Packaging separationNo
  • Product description
    Glass heat-resistant cold water kettle large capacity thickened brewing teapot monochrome clear [no text packing