Super Discount
Exclusive for new customers
1.Sign up and get 2 coupons. Minimum 4% off your first order!
*The coupons is issued from the time of successful registration and is valid for 30 days.
For orders over 1 ₽ ,up to 16 000 ₽ off.20 000 ₽
For orders over 400 000 ₽2.Only 10% deposit for your first order! Risk free trial order.
*The privilege is valid for the first order only (except for orders of special offers). Only 1 time per new customer
First order deposit
Orders of any amount
3.Get 2 more coupons after your first order.
*The coupons is issued after the deposit has been paid from the first order and is valid for 90 days.
For orders over 1 ₽3% DISCOUNT
For orders over 1 ₽4.After placing your first order, you will become a member the following month.
*One order and you get lifetime member benefits. Members enjoy more discounts on points and better deals on orders!
Take advantage of all the offers and place your order now! Notes:
1. Only users who have registered with ESSAONE but have not placed their first order can enjoy this offer.
2. All coupons are not stackable and only one coupon can be used per order. The system will default to the largest coupon amount when placing an order based on the currently available coupons.
3. Once a coupon has been used, it will only be refunded if the order is cancelled for all items. If the order is only partially cancelled, the coupon will not be refunded.