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Best Price Guarantee

1. Buyers can enjoy this service after purchasing any goods at ESSAONE: If you find that the purchase price of any goods on essaone is higher than the purchase price of the same goods from other suppliers within 60 days. Buyers can apply for compensation for the difference if they can provide valid certificates.

2. Other Suppliers: any suppliers of goods, except for the platform www.essaone.cn, from which the buyer purchased the goods at a lower price, subject to the terms of purchase specified in these rules.

3. Compensation Rules:

3.1 The buyer who purchased the product on www.essaone.cn, but within 60 calendar days after placing the order purchased the same product from another supplier at a lower price, has the right to compensation from the Supplier in the amount of the difference between the price at which the product was purchased from the Supplier on www.essaone.cn and the price at which the product was purchased from another supplier.  

At the same time, the difference in price for the goods presented on the website and for the goods purchased from another supplier must not differ by more than 20% and on the condition of availability of proper evidence of purchase of similar goods at a lower price.   

3.2 To exercise the right to compensation, the buyer fills out an application for compensation and sends it by e-mail to us. The buyer must provide us with reliable confirmation of the relevance of the lower price.

Only identical goods may be accepted for comparison. All parameters, including: name, composition, color, size, brand, article number (factory number), manufacturer, functions, appearance, accessories are accepted as a full match of goods.

Terms of purchase, delivery, payment with other supplier must be similar to the terms on which the buyer purchased the goods from the essaone. 

The proper evidence of the reality of the lower price offer is a set of conditions:

- the fact of the purchase of similar goods, under similar conditions, at a lower price in a period not exceeding 60 (Sixty) calendar days from the date of the order;

- public confirmation of the possibility to order such goods at a lower price for an unlimited number of potential buyers. 

3.3 When comparing the goods, only the prices of the goods are taken into account:

- including the cost of delivery to the delivery point in the Russian Federation;

- related to conditioned, new goods (goods and packaging have no defects, complete set); 

- related to the goods with a full package of accompanying documents, properly imported into the Russian Federation and put into circulation;

- not being an obvious mistake on the site and technical failure of the Supplier's sites;

- taking into account possibility of purchasing goods at such price by any person, i.e. provided price is not an exclusive offer provided to the buyer, including through cumulative discounts, volume selection discounts, etc.; 

The total price of the goods at essaone and at another supplier is accepted for comparison of goods at another supplier before applying any discounts, including cumulative and promotional discounts, as well as other price reduction parameters within the loyalty programs of the respective suppliers.

3.4 The guarantee is valid for all goods presented on www.essaone.cn, with the exception of goods for which the Supplier provides a discount, as well as for those orders for which the buyer has made any claims.

The same buyer may apply for compensation only once per order.

3.5 The buyer is obliged to provide evidence of the reality of the transaction to purchase goods at a lower price from another supplier, by providing primary accounting documents, samples of goods, invoices, offers for sale by another Supplier to the general public. 

We have the right to refuse to comparison if there is no possibility to verify the reality of purchase from another supplier or relevance of its price, or there is no provision of requested documents/samples of goods, or there is no such offer on the website of another supplier, or there are reasons to believe that the offer to buy and the purchase itself are artificially created for comparison. If violations of comparison are discovered by the supplier after the compensation has been accrued, such compensation shall be refunded to the supplier, or deducted by the supplier from other orders paid by the buyer.

We have the right to refuse to apply for a promotion if the purchase of similar goods from another Supplier was made on knowingly unfavorable conditions for another Supplier, or at a price significantly below the market price, or the lower price is due to a sale of leftovers associated with the anticipated end of Supplier's business, or the low price is due to a significant change in economic conditions (sharp change in currency, lockdown, force majeure circumstances, etc.).

4.Implementation of the conditions of the action, subject to confirmation of the buyer's right to compensation, is carried out by returning the funds to the buyer's current account, in the amount calculated according to the formula:

Compensation amount = (price at www.essaone.cn - price at another supplier) * the number of items purchased at www.essaone.cn.

The amount of compensation may be used to pay for new orders of the buyer at www.essaone.cn, or paid by providing a commensurate discount on orders that have already been placed but not paid for.

In case of payment of compensation by transfer of funds to the buyer's current account, such payment shall be made within ten banking days from the date of its recognition by the supplier.

If the shipment of goods covered by the promotion and the payment of compensation fall in different reporting quarters, the compensation shall be made only by providing a discount on new or executed, but not paid orders.

5.The introduction of the guarantee is voluntary at the essaone's discretion. We may terminate the guarantee at any time, or change the terms and conditions of the guarantee. The termination of the service or the appropriate adjustment of the terms of service will post relevant notices on the website www.essaone.cn.

6. We will examine the complaint within 7 work days and inform the buyer with a reasoned response.